The series picks up after the events of "Avengers: Endgame," where Loki, after escaping with the Tesseract during a time-traveling mishap, finds himself at the mercy of the Time Variance Authority (TVA), an organization that monitors the timeline. Facing charges for disrupting the timeline, Loki is recruited by the TVA to help fix the anomalies he caused.
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Before the events of "Money Heist," Berlin and his skilled gang plan one of their most ambitious robberies ever in Paris during his golden age.
“Loki’s escape sparks a riveting time-bending odyssey with the TVA, unraveling alternate realities and consequences. Tom Hiddleston’s stellar performance brings depth to Marvel’s masterful blend of humor, drama, and intricate storytelling. As Loki encounters a myriad of challenges, the series expands the MCU narrative in unprecedented ways. π°οΈπ #Loki #MarvelSaga”
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