TV Shows
"The Freelancer," based on "A Ticket To Syria," follows Avinash Kamath, a former cop turned mercenary, on a perilous mission to rescue Aliya from war-torn Syria amid rising ISIS terrorism. The series explores Avinash's past, moral dilemmas, and the human cost of conflict. Unlike typical thrillers, it offers a thought-provoking perspective on the consequences of war, emphasizing compassion and resilience. The show promises an intense narrative, urging viewers to reflect on the complexities of duty, morality, and the human experience in chaotic situations.
In the survival series Kaala Paani, individuals battle the forces of nature, struggling to escape the salty seas of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Kaala Paani is a Hindi-language survival drama series available for streaming on Netflix. The show was created by Sameer Saxena and written by Biswapati Sarkar, Nimisha Misra, Sandeep Saket, and Amit Golani. The show features an ensemble cast including Mona Singh, Ashutosh Gowariker, Amey Wagh, Vikas Kumar, Chinmay Mandlekar, Sukant Goel, Arushi Sharma, Radhika Mehrotra, and Poornima Indrajith in lead roles.
"The Railway Men" is a gripping web series set against the backdrop of the tragic 1984 Bhopal gas leak, one of the deadliest industrial disasters globally. Focused on a group of brave railway workers, the series unfolds as they navigate the intense crisis, transforming their ordinary lives into a battle for survival and rescue. With a powerful blend of suspense, emotion, and social commentary, the series captures the immediacy and enduring impact of the catastrophe. It fearlessly addresses corporate negligence and government response, prompting viewers to reflect on accountability and the remarkable capacity for heroism in the face of tragedy. A poignant tribute, "The Railway Men" showcases the indomitable spirit of humanity amid one of modern history's most catastrophic events.
"Dive into 'The Lazarus Project,' a web series where a covert team manipulates time to prevent mass extinctions. With each episode, unravel a suspenseful blend of science fiction, espionage, and moral dilemmas. Brace for an exhilarating journey challenging humanity's survival against the unknown forces of time."